Hard to assemble, kind of okay after you are done assembling
The assembly is hard and the instructions have a lot of errors. They have not pre/drilled the holes properly. So it takes a lot of effort to screw most of them in. The drawers are of very low quality.
Having said that, after the assembly, the bed, overall, looks okay. The price is on the lower side, so set your quality expectations accordingly. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!
Hard to assemble, kind of okay after you are done assembling
The assembly is hard and the instructions have a lot of errors. They have not pre/drilled the holes properly. So it takes a lot of effort to screw most of them in. The drawers are of very low quality. Having said that, after the assembly, the bed, overall, looks okay. The price is on the lower side, so set your quality expectations accordingly. Super easy to assemble and so worth the money!