The bed is beautiful! Its very sturdy and it serves its purpose. Am using it as a guest bed in my office/guest room. I did have a bit of a hard time with the assembly as one of the sides of the back part wouldnt fit in properly but my husband was able to use his strength. In the process, the piece scraped some but am glad its not noticeable at all. Overall, I love the bed. Nice for the price.
Beautiful bed
The bed is beautiful! Its very sturdy and it serves its purpose. Am using it as a guest bed in my office/guest room. I did have a bit of a hard time with the assembly as one of the sides of the back part wouldnt fit in properly but my husband was able to use his strength. In the process, the piece scraped some but am glad its not noticeable at all. Overall, I love the bed. Nice for the price.