Quality and comfortable, but pricey for overall size
The couch is nice, sturdy and seems to be of quality material. My wife loves it. We have had it for about 4 months now, so still new. I honestly do not think it is worth 2300+. Had I seen it in person, I would not have spent that much on it. Only because it is smaller than expected. I had an extra/large sectional in which I paid about that same amount for. It was over twice this couches size and still very sturdy.
**Update** Couch is now about 1700, which is about 600 less than what I paid.WTH!!! This is a more reasonable price for the size. Definitely looks nice.
Quality and comfortable, but pricey for overall size
The couch is nice, sturdy and seems to be of quality material. My wife loves it. We have had it for about 4 months now, so still new. I honestly do not think it is worth 2300+. Had I seen it in person, I would not have spent that much on it. Only because it is smaller than expected. I had an extra/large sectional in which I paid about that same amount for. It was over twice this couches size and still very sturdy. **Update** Couch is now about 1700, which is about 600 less than what I paid.WTH!!! This is a more reasonable price for the size. Definitely looks nice.