The bed was super easy to put together and its sturdy
Purchased this bed from Walmart which was much cheaper plus free shipping for my daughter who wanted to change up her room. According to her, she wanted something that was more grown up and that provided more space. She is 10 about to turn 11 but she is all grown up and felt her current bedroom set which is light colored wood had to hit the road.
The bed was super easy to put together and its sturdy. We have high ceilings so it works out well. My daughter is still able to use her canopy above the bed which she loves because the canopy has stars that light up. Since she has gotten the bed, all she wants to do is stay in her room. Really Worth it
The bed was super easy to put together and its sturdy
Purchased this bed from Walmart which was much cheaper plus free shipping for my daughter who wanted to change up her room. According to her, she wanted something that was more grown up and that provided more space. She is 10 about to turn 11 but she is all grown up and felt her current bedroom set which is light colored wood had to hit the road. The bed was super easy to put together and its sturdy. We have high ceilings so it works out well. My daughter is still able to use her canopy above the bed which she loves because the canopy has stars that light up. Since she has gotten the bed, all she wants to do is stay in her room. Really Worth it