Product arrived within a week, in a surprisingly small box. All parts were present and whole.
Pretty easy assembly, though the included screwdriver is wimpy. Its rock solid, provides plenty of desk space, and I like the black matte finish. I use a pair of monitors on the upper level and find that I enjoy the additional height.
The shelves beneath the desk are slightly too small to fit my ATX case, unfortunately. A smaller PC would fit, though.
Sturdy, spacious computer desk
Product arrived within a week, in a surprisingly small box. All parts were present and whole. Pretty easy assembly, though the included screwdriver is wimpy. Its rock solid, provides plenty of desk space, and I like the black matte finish. I use a pair of monitors on the upper level and find that I enjoy the additional height. The shelves beneath the desk are slightly too small to fit my ATX case, unfortunately. A smaller PC would fit, though.