The drawer file cabinet arrived with one broken part but the customer service send the part within 25 days of reporting it from China. The instructions are confusing but not so bad that you cant figure them out. Each one of the pieces use in the assembly of the file cabinet is illustrated on the first page of the instructions, these parts came mixed in baggies labeled with multiple stickers with letters for identification. The how to assemble pictures on the instructions are their saving grace, but there are no words to guide you, and some pictures were small for me to see well, needed help every so often to differentiate what was what.
Good product and good customer service
The drawer file cabinet arrived with one broken part but the customer service send the part within 25 days of reporting it from China. The instructions are confusing but not so bad that you cant figure them out. Each one of the pieces use in the assembly of the file cabinet is illustrated on the first page of the instructions, these parts came mixed in baggies labeled with multiple stickers with letters for identification. The how to assemble pictures on the instructions are their saving grace, but there are no words to guide you, and some pictures were small for me to see well, needed help every so often to differentiate what was what.