In hindsight, this desk was not hard to put together but, you couldnt have told me that at the time of assembly!! Overall, this is a very simple assembly. Just make sure you pay attention to small details like making sure the little stopper holes are facing up. Also, make sure that the cross bars at the bottom are facing the right direction. I had to take this thing apart a couple of times because of those 2 simple things. The keyboard tray was really greasy and I could not figure out how to get the brackets in place. We just stored that for later since we are only using laptops now anyway.
The price was great and it looks really nice in our home office.
Watch out for the small details
In hindsight, this desk was not hard to put together but, you couldnt have told me that at the time of assembly!! Overall, this is a very simple assembly. Just make sure you pay attention to small details like making sure the little stopper holes are facing up. Also, make sure that the cross bars at the bottom are facing the right direction. I had to take this thing apart a couple of times because of those 2 simple things. The keyboard tray was really greasy and I could not figure out how to get the brackets in place. We just stored that for later since we are only using laptops now anyway. The price was great and it looks really nice in our home office.