This computer desk is very sturdy and easy to assemble. It was packaged excellently and there were no scratches or dings in the metal. The instructions and parts are marked clearly and go together just as said. I would have given 5 stars, except one small oops in the design, the back bolts on the glass top on the small side (the keyboard tray side) did not line up. However, the front bolts did and they are very sturdy and there is absolutely no movement in the glass.
I am very happy with this L/shaped desk! It is functional, modern airy design, that doesnt take up a lot of space. I have two more monitors coming and I know theyll fit and function well!
Excellent purchase for buy the money!
Great Design! Well Made!
This computer desk is very sturdy and easy to assemble. It was packaged excellently and there were no scratches or dings in the metal. The instructions and parts are marked clearly and go together just as said. I would have given 5 stars, except one small oops in the design, the back bolts on the glass top on the small side (the keyboard tray side) did not line up. However, the front bolts did and they are very sturdy and there is absolutely no movement in the glass. I am very happy with this L/shaped desk! It is functional, modern airy design, that doesnt take up a lot of space. I have two more monitors coming and I know theyll fit and function well! Excellent purchase for buy the money!