Some safety issues with the product. Was exited initially.
Was fun to start with. You know just getting out there for fresh air and sun. The plastic right pedal broke at the end of third week, and it now folds cynically on its own when least expected. Also, the right throttle handle came off after a part broke through. No major battery issues however from the looks of it I dont know if it would matter. I hope I m wrong. Its too bad I made a nice 30 day review video on this product. May contact the seller later.
Some safety issues with the product. Was exited initially.
Was fun to start with. You know just getting out there for fresh air and sun. The plastic right pedal broke at the end of third week, and it now folds cynically on its own when least expected. Also, the right throttle handle came off after a part broke through. No major battery issues however from the looks of it I dont know if it would matter. I hope I m wrong. Its too bad I made a nice 30 day review video on this product. May contact the seller later.