For the money spent this is a great value. It has been sturdy and very nice. I love the large space under the bed for bins and my cat loves it, too! It was very difficult to assemble as it wasnt labeled the best. For example, we had to end up taking parts apart because we did the initial frame backwards as we went on. Also, some of the bolts didnt go in nicely and ended up having to leave two bolts off, but it was just part of the headboard decor and not structural.
Difficult assembly
For the money spent this is a great value. It has been sturdy and very nice. I love the large space under the bed for bins and my cat loves it, too! It was very difficult to assemble as it wasnt labeled the best. For example, we had to end up taking parts apart because we did the initial frame backwards as we went on. Also, some of the bolts didnt go in nicely and ended up having to leave two bolts off, but it was just part of the headboard decor and not structural.