Bed seems sturdy. Was easy to put together even though the directions were interesting. Had a piece labeled one letter but that letter wasnt even in the directions. We also ended up with a warped piece (the top piece in between the buckles) which resulted in the bed being put together with a screw unable to be placed (one of the screws that connects square pieces). Poor product design in my opinion. Although the one screw does not impact the durability of the bed. Could have been packaged differently, it was obvious some pieces were scratched, dinged, and warped during shipping.
Cute but not perfect
Bed seems sturdy. Was easy to put together even though the directions were interesting. Had a piece labeled one letter but that letter wasnt even in the directions. We also ended up with a warped piece (the top piece in between the buckles) which resulted in the bed being put together with a screw unable to be placed (one of the screws that connects square pieces). Poor product design in my opinion. Although the one screw does not impact the durability of the bed. Could have been packaged differently, it was obvious some pieces were scratched, dinged, and warped during shipping.