The bed is beautiful and very elegant looking. The bed is well made, sturdy, and will for sure last. I love the polished chrome feet and the studs gives a classy feel to the product. It was easy to assemble. It took my husband and I less than 30 minutes to finish everything. There was a little damage in the back of the footboard; it looks like a forklift damage) but I decided not to return it because it cannot be seen anyway.
Beautiful and elegant!
The bed is beautiful and very elegant looking. The bed is well made, sturdy, and will for sure last. I love the polished chrome feet and the studs gives a classy feel to the product. It was easy to assemble. It took my husband and I less than 30 minutes to finish everything. There was a little damage in the back of the footboard; it looks like a forklift damage) but I decided not to return it because it cannot be seen anyway.