Some of holes for the screws are misaligned by as much as 45 degrees
The defect in this product is the E/bar holes. The holes are misaligned by 45 degrees preventing the handle bar (labeled C) from being attached. When the E/bar holes are screwed in, the two E bars point inward, not horizontal to each other for placement of the C bar which you hold onto while jumping. Also, the mat that you jump on is raised some six inches all around the edges, creating an unsightly appearance instead of laying flat like the ad pictures.
Some of holes for the screws are misaligned by as much as 45 degrees
The defect in this product is the E/bar holes. The holes are misaligned by 45 degrees preventing the handle bar (labeled C) from being attached. When the E/bar holes are screwed in, the two E bars point inward, not horizontal to each other for placement of the C bar which you hold onto while jumping. Also, the mat that you jump on is raised some six inches all around the edges, creating an unsightly appearance instead of laying flat like the ad pictures.