I absolutely love these chairs and am so happy with the product. I shopped around for barstools quite a bit and these were a good find. They are sturdy, though every once in a while I tighten the bolts because they get a little shaky. They were SUPER easy to put together and are very comfortable. I get tons of compliments on them. I was very happy with the quality and color (as pictured). Would recommend! Really nice looking furniture.
I absolutely love these chairs and am so happy with the product. I shopped around for barstools quite a bit and these were a good find. They are sturdy, though every once in a while I tighten the bolts because they get a little shaky. They were SUPER easy to put together and are very comfortable. I get tons of compliments on them. I was very happy with the quality and color (as pictured). Would recommend! Really nice looking furniture.