My daughter loves this setup we arranged for her! Delivery brought it right to our door and assembly took about 2.5 hours with a baby running in the background. This is very sturdy once assembled. What I dont like is how the support beams that running the width of the bed are separated. They could have been bridged together like a man/bridge then place holders for the outermost beams to be set in place. It was a lot of screwing so get a POWER SCREWDRIVER. Not a piece was missing or broken. They got it right on the first time. Only thing left is to get some curtains that fit to make her play castle something my daughter wont forget.
Added bed/risers to fit her dollhouse and it worked like a charm! No wobble! No complaints, really happy
My daughter loves this setup we arranged for her! Delivery brought it right to our door and assembly took about 2.5 hours with a baby running in the background. This is very sturdy once assembled. What I dont like is how the support beams that running the width of the bed are separated. They could have been bridged together like a man/bridge then place holders for the outermost beams to be set in place. It was a lot of screwing so get a POWER SCREWDRIVER. Not a piece was missing or broken. They got it right on the first time. Only thing left is to get some curtains that fit to make her play castle something my daughter wont forget. Added bed/risers to fit her dollhouse and it worked like a charm! No wobble! No complaints, really happy