I received the chair on time. It was well packaged and in perfect condition. The instructions were easy to follow and it was easy to assemble. The chair padding itself is very firm and rather hard, so not super comfortable, but it isnt uncomfortable either. It just doesnt make me want to curl up in it. Its strong and sturdy / well made. However, the wings on the side of the back arent symmetrical. (See photo) The locks and screws lined up and assembled as they were supposed to, despite the left wing aligning a half inch higher and a little farther forward than the right. The mis/alignment is noticeable visually. This is strictly an aesthetic and manufacturing mistake, it in no way hinders the structure or function of the chair. For the comfort factor and the aesthetics, I gave it a three star. I dont need new parts or to replace the chair, its just not perfect. However, I doubt most people would even notice it. It would be too much of a hassle to try to get it replaced or fixed. Its the risk of buying it without seeing it or sitting in it first. I was actually pretty disappointed.
Good, but a bit lacking in aesthetic and comfort.
I received the chair on time. It was well packaged and in perfect condition. The instructions were easy to follow and it was easy to assemble. The chair padding itself is very firm and rather hard, so not super comfortable, but it isnt uncomfortable either. It just doesnt make me want to curl up in it. Its strong and sturdy / well made. However, the wings on the side of the back arent symmetrical. (See photo) The locks and screws lined up and assembled as they were supposed to, despite the left wing aligning a half inch higher and a little farther forward than the right. The mis/alignment is noticeable visually. This is strictly an aesthetic and manufacturing mistake, it in no way hinders the structure or function of the chair. For the comfort factor and the aesthetics, I gave it a three star. I dont need new parts or to replace the chair, its just not perfect. However, I doubt most people would even notice it. It would be too much of a hassle to try to get it replaced or fixed. Its the risk of buying it without seeing it or sitting in it first. I was actually pretty disappointed.